5 day smoothie challenge- day 5
Happy St.Patty’s day!
Today’s smoothie has cilantro in it! Cilantro is an interesting plant to use in your jackknife of healing foods. The herb is a chelator meaning it bonds with heavy metals that have accumulated in the body.
Three heavy metals that we are exposed to:
1. Aluminum – Throught antiperspirants, cooking utensils, tin foil and water. Aluminum is a neurotoxin.
2. Mercury – Found in pesticides, fungicides, cosmetics and dental fillings. It leaches into our water and we often ingest it when we eat fish. Mercury accumulates in our brain and kidneys.
3. Arsenic -Found in soil, seafoods, meats. Arsenic effects the nervous system, kidneys, skin, digestive systems no blood.
If the body is healthy and functioning optimally, it should be able to naturally detoxify itself from heavy metals. Prolonged exposure, less than adequate diet and exposure of large quantities can result in metal accumulation in the kidneys, liver brain etc..
Adding detoxifying foods along with drinking plenty of filtered water can significantly enhance energy levels, brain function and mood.
The recipe:
2 cups coconut water
1 cup frozen mango
1 frozen banana
1 lime
1 inch ginger
1 bunch cilantro
1 cup spinach
Blend and enjoy!