5 day green smoothie challenge – Day 4

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Simple to make and healthy

Simple to make and healthy

Welcome to day 4 of the 5 day smoothie challenge!

With St. Patty’s day right around the corner, we’re sure to have a few beverages to celebrate. Why not make these green smoothies instead of beer? Or at least, let’s use the the smoothies ahead of time to make sure our bodies are prepared for whatever stress we put them through! The recipe for Day 4 is a detoxing recipe that will help with kidney function.

Parsley is a powerful diuretic that helps cleanse the blood and can help restore proper kidney function. Rich in chlorophyll, parsley is also known to help with bad breath and body Odor.

Give your body some great greens and you’ll be amazed at how good you’ll start to feel in no time at all. Enjoy today’s green smoothie recipe.

The recipe:

1 1/2 cups coconut water

1 cup frozen mango

1 frozen banana

1 bunch parsley

1/2 field cucumber

Blend and enjoy!



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